Sunday, March 30, 2014

Eulogy of a great man

Mi Abuelito, mi Héroe, y mi Inspiración:

Desde que yo recuerdo mi Abuelito ha sido el hombre másfuerte, más cariñoso, y más estricto que yo he conocido.  

En México, cuando yo era pequeño, me acuerdo visitar la casa de mis Abuelitos, y me acuerdo sentir un par de emociones diferentes. Por un lado, tenía ganas de jugar con todas las cosas que mi Abuelito tenía como con su máquina de escribir que hacia palabras y que yo me imaginaba que cuando uno escribíaen ella la mente se pegaba en el papel, con su espada decaballería con la cual yo me imaginaba luchando contra piratas en un barco, y también me gustaba ver y leer sus artículos y posters que tenia de cuando él había sido un boxeador y viendo estos yo me creía luchar contra todos aquellos con los cuales el lo hizo tirando puñetazos al aire…

Y por el otro lado, ver a mi Abuelito era también como someterse a una prueba, la prueba de mi madurez como hombre.  Yo tenía que fajarme, peinarme, y tratar de mantenerme limpio durante todo el recorrido desde nuestra casa hasta la de mis Abuelitos.  Cuando él hablaba conmigo me preguntaba quecomo estaba, que si estaba cuidando a mis hermanas y sobrecómo iba en la escuela.  Después de las preguntas, el me decía lo tanto que nos quería, a , a mis hermanas, a mi Mama, y a mi Abuelita.  El siempre, siempre me decía esto. 

Ya cuando tenía más años, y ellos vivían lejos de nuestra casa en Guadalajara, yo me acuerdo que mi Abuelito era un hombre lleno de información, el era como lo que es tener una computadora en estos tiempos.  El me enseño a jugar domino, juegos de baraja como el conquián y el póquer.  Y cuando éljugaba, el jugaba en serio y siempre ganaba.  No creo que haya habido alguien que le hubiera podido ganar alguna vez. El también me daba lecciones sobre la historia y de cómo todo lo que ha pasado se repetirá y también me hablaba sobre lo que yo podía hacer para salir adelante.  

A mi Abuelito Mariano también le gustaba mucho bromear.  Siempre me llamaba diciéndome, “ven, mira esto”, y cuando iba el estaba allí listo y hacia alguna travesura a mi Abuelita, y aunque ella a veces se enojaba para nosotros era muy chistoso.  

Ya cuando nos venimos aquí a Grand Rapids, la relación que yo y mi Abuelito teníamos era una de nostalgia.  Siempre el me decía como le gustaría regresarse para México con todos nosotros y yo no sabía que decirle, lo único que podía contestarle era “si, Abuelito ya vámonos!”.  El se emocionaba tanto que hasta comenzaba a empacar sus cosas.  

Y cuando era hora de terminar nuestra visita en su casa, el nunca nos quería decir adiós, pero cuando nos montábamos dentro del carro, podíamos ver que el salía afuera para vernos partir y se quedaba viéndonos hasta que desaparecíamos en el horizonte todo el tiempo diciéndonos adiós con su brazo.  

Cuando regrese después de mucho tiempo de no haber estado en Grand Rapids, la enfermedad de mi Abuelito ya tenía sus garras clavadas en su mente.  Se le empezó a olvidar todo, y el siempre repetía las mismas preguntas.  Pero había una pregunta en particular que el siempre me hacía y esta pregunta siempre marcara mi vida.  El preguntaba: “Que has hecho con tu vida?” Y si él estuviera aquí ahora, yo podría contestarle: “Abuelito, si yo pudiera llegar a lograr por lo menos una fracción de lo que hiciste y amar como  me amaste, entonces yo creo que mi vida estará completa.”

Mi Abuelito Mariano siempre vivirá dentro de  con su amor y sus palabras.  Y algunas de estas palabras fueron: “El tesoro de nuestra familia ha ido pasando a manos de cada generación…” Yo digo hoy que en nuestra generación, el recuerdo de él con su amor es el tesoro el cual él me había hablado ese día.  

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Across the world..

The Sochi Paralympics are over and I am a better man, athlete and human being because of it due to the perspective I have gained in all those aspects.

I am a better man because I have afforded my family the opportunity to be proud of me and serve as a role model as my grandfather did, to attest that no matter what happens in life, if a poor, fatherless, immigrant, down on his luck can reach this level of accolades then ANYONE can!

I am a better athlete because I have gained important experience to become better the next time around, I have created bonds with my teammates that will last long after our last competitions are past, and I have shown my coaches the kind of demeanor I have in order to help me become greater.

Most importantly in my opinion, I am a better human being because I was afforded to travel across the world and meet other people that are going through the same situations as all of us..  Wanting to live happily, wanting to love, wanting to belong, wanting to be great, and wanting nothing more than peace.  We should not live in a world where boarders and ideals set by other "people" and enforced by media and ignorance dictate the level of humanity we all have.  We all belong to the world, I am an American, proud to represent my nation, but I am even more proud to be human.

Monday, February 3, 2014

SOCHI-Da! An update and thank you

Being named to represent the United States in the Paralympics is something I strived for the first time I decided to start training like an Olympic athlete.

I remember it was just a few weeks after the amputation of my dominant arm that I was lucky enough to talk to Bryan Boyer (of all places at the Tucson VA) after a check up following my amputation, and he mentioned that there was an opportunity to find rehab doing Biathlon..  Biathlon? Why not give it a chance I said..  Called Marc Mast at the Wood River Ability Program in Ketchum Idaho, packed my bags, and it was on.

Tried it, loved it, and now look at me, in the midst of my second season and already have achieved this level. I am lucky indeed and sometimes I beat myself up for the stupid rookie mistakes I make but when I step back and look at the magnitude of it all, I should be incredibly proud.

I am proud! In this last year I have achieved and experienced things that there's no way I would have done if it wasn't for skiing. First and foremost, I have learned to live and compete with a disability that has allowed me to appreciate life and find what my character is made of, and I have found out that my soul still burns and I love it.

I have also gotten the chance to be a part of an incredible team and community when I came to Maine to start training..  Will Sweetser, Sarah Dominick, Seth Hubbard, and Amber Dodge, my coaches and now friends, have taught me how to train for competitive cross country skiing and biathlon and not only that but to enjoy skiing and be part of something greater, such as being a role model and an inspiration to kids and adults alike, and for that I feel honored and content.

Being a member of MWSC has allowed me to travel to Europe, and Canada and train with athletes such as Kris Freeman, Noah Hoffman, Welly Ramsey, Brandy Stewart, Raleigh Goessling, Katrina Howe, and Sam Tarling, which I learned something from each one of them and I feel extremely thankful to have had the pleasure of skiing with them all.

Two or three workouts each day, with shooting practice in between, healthy mind and body activities, and a whole lot of pain..  That is the price to pay but I could not have done it if it was not for Paul Fitzgerald, and Jeff Steffen at Team Semper Fi..  Those guys are awesome and they gave me the tools to make a run for it and run I will.

When the going went from tough to just painfully hard and especially on those hot summer Maine days, I knew I could always count on my sweet and really kick ass skier herself, my girlfriend Lindsey Hall.  Listening to her every night was the recovery I always needed to go on, and I am forever thankful for her and her family that opened up the doors to their house in order for me to train and afford the training.

Paralympics, parallel to the Olympics..  Not below or above but in the same spectrum of hard work and dedication..  I do not claim to be anywhere in the realm of Olympians and their path to glory just as Olympians can not claim the path to mine..  I am a Paralympian, I might look different, and I might not be as fast as my fellow able-bodied skiers and marksmen, but I have every single intention to being successful at my craft as they are.. John Farra, Rob Rosser, James Upham, Eileen carey, and Bethann Chamberlain, thanks for seeing that in me.

Sochi approaches, and I must say I am extremely excited and nervous..  My Mother Rosa, my two sisters, Edna, and Tania, and Lindsey will be watching from the stands as I achieve greatness..  I am extremely lucky to have a family that would support me this way, and to them and in the name of my true father Mariano which he was always the inspiration that drove my family forward before me, and that I have lost this year to a terrible illness, I dedicate this year's effort and everything that will flourish out of it..